第六章 来到Luis家
书迷正在阅读:【柯南/总攻】放暑假后我在游戏里007当酒、只想每天被jiejie惩罚、【柯南/总攻】在酒厂玩游戏后我变成了疯批、修仙界训诫日常、【总.攻/名柯警校组专场】好感度100以后、末世rou文女主觉醒后更rou了(NP)、蛇腰[二战+SC1v1]、远雷与地火(1v4,扭曲喜剧)、称臣 (强制1v1)
第六章 来到Luis家
开车前去Luis的公寓,打开门屋子干净整齐,是一个两室一厅的公寓,李晗以为有室友和他一起住,便小心翼翼脱鞋,蹑手蹑脚的走路,Luis看到她这个样子觉得很搞笑,“Don&039;t worry, just us here.“
“Oh yeh? How expensive it is for you to live here man!?“
“Nah, I bought this apartment couple years ago from some investments, and the other room is a gym actually~“
李晗打开健身房的门,“Wow!A lot of equipments, no wonder you have really big muscle ”
“Why you are so cute? And are you sure it&039;s only big muscles??“
“Cheers! It looks really nice~"
"You are welcome, that&039;s my pleasure"
"Wow, tastes so juicy! OMG, so delicious! Also hmmmm what exactly you are doing?"
"Hmm my work is finance analyst, it&039;s pretty boring but make good money tho"
"I see, not bad"
" Do you get nervous about your new job in a new country?"
"Kind of yeh, but I think I can deal with it, I have met most my colleagues before through zoom, they all seemed nice...so things should work out soon"
"You are a brave girl, and very smart, I&039;m sure your Aussie team will be very happy to have you here"
"Awww, thank you!"
过了一会,李晗起身收拾餐具,既然人家做了晚饭,自己就来洗碗咯!正在洗着,忽然一双胳膊就环绕着自己的腰身,Luis靠在背后,亲吻着脖颈,” Are you ready for another round~~"